Thursday, November 17, 2011

Of change

I am afraid of change. Shit scared of it. Not because I think that things wont be ok. But because I know they will be. And I don't like that. Its almost like once you get adjusted to something new all old things become a teensy bit less significant and I feel that one more portion of my life has been rendered pointless and I feel hollowed by my adaptiveness.

Does it make any sense?


Maulik said...

A post after a year exactly and all you could come up was this :O
You should have atleast translated it in German ... You sure do need some change in life

Kriti said...

This is the very art of "moving on" and your adaptiveness shows you have a knack for it. As far as one more portion of life being rendered pointless is concerned, remember it had a role in making way for the new.
The fact that you know you will be alright no matter what .. might freak you out at times but that it works for you and in a way 'defines' you, cannot be sidelined.

gunjit said...

totally makes sense :)